
All photo's are Copyright of Scott Swalling or the tagged Photographer. (Background photo Scott Swalling Photography).

About Me:

24Hr MTBike racer and general bike rider, climber and mountaineer. Good coffee drinker and cake eater (any cake, seriously, don't leave your cake laying around). Also, I like to try new things that challenge me.

Sunday 19 April 2009

Wintery ride

In Feb in Surrey, there was some proper snow for once. A foot or so of what could only be described as powder. In Surrey of all places, land of the wet shitty 1 inch of snow normally.

So what to do in a foot powder snow.............ride you mountain bike of course, so an extended lunch was taken, being a Monday and all and off I set on my normal quick blast loop of an hour, 2 hours later and I was still on my way back.

The deep snow had made for hard work and many great photo opportunities and therefore it had taken longer than expected. But it was great to see so many people out and having fun and kids being kids.

In a few places the snow was well over a foot deep and at Newlands corner, snowboarders had taken the opportunity to have some fun before heading to the Alps.

The single speed performed awesomely as usual and came back a lot cleaning than when it headed out.

New tracks

I hoped for more snow, but it never arrived, so made the most of riding in what was left for the following week.

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